Mr. Wan has talk about what Bamboo Interest Group (BIG) is going to do with the 2012. There must be a "jump" to arrive 2012. So Mr. Wan n his group had made a decision to make a BIG which can create something usefull for everyone to follow.
It just a preparation for a disaster, but if there is no disaster on that day,we still can use it in many other way. Like malay's always said "Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan".
My question is..
" why it must Bamboo?how can it help us?"
and i got the answer from the BIG's own blog..which is really related to the apex priciple...
2. Photoelectric detectors
- When the smoke particle s enter the light path , some of the light is scattered and redirected onto the sensor,causing to active the alarm..
And this is where the fire buster should be placed in IBU and also in PONDOK..